In the standing broad jump, one squats and then pushes off with the legs to see how far one can jump. Suppose the extension of the legs from the crouch position is 0.600 m and the acceleration achieved from this position is 1.25 times the acceleration due to gravity, . How far can they jump? State your assumptions. (Increased range can be achieved by swinging the arms in the direction of the jump.)
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OpenStax College Physics, Chapter 3, Problem 35 (Problems & Exercises)

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do you solve this by assuming the initial velocity is the velocity you leave the floor with at the start of your jump? I assume this because this is the only way to solve the problem, however I had a thought that the jumper has no velocity at the start, but since were solving for how far he can jump, we would assume that initial velocity would be when he is leaving the floor and final velocity would be zero ( when he lands his jump)
Hi hms, yes, there is an initial velocity when the jumper's shoes leave the ground and they are finished accelerating. There is a similar misunderstanding here as in your previous question here where it's important to apply the formulas only while acceleration is constant. In this case there are two relevant periods of constant acceleration: 1) when the jumper is pushing off the ground with their legs, and 2) when they are moving through the air with constant acceleration due to gravity. Your question suggests a third period when they are pushed again by the ground to rest when landing, but this isn't relevant since our analysis will end the instant before hitting the ground. We don't know how hard the ground pushes on them when landing, and even if we did it doesn't have an affect on their range.
The problem solving approach seeks to calculate the final velocity after period 1). This feeds into the initial velocity of the range formula since the final velocity of period 1) is their launch velocity from the ground.
Hope this helps,
How does your launch velocity = to your V0y. Why is that the case in this problem. Vo = Vosintheta, so wouldnt we set that up after we find the V0y?
Hi hms, thank you for the question. isn't part of this solution. Since we're using the range formula we want to know the magnitude of the launch velocity and plug that in for and assume that is directed at in order to maximize the range.
All the best,