When a battery is connected to a bulb, there is 2.5 A of current in the circuit. What amount of charge will flow though the circuit in a time of 0.5 s?
Final Answer
, answer (c)
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OpenStax College Physics for AP® Courses, Chapter 20, Problem 2 (Test Prep for AP® Courses)
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This is College Physics Answers with Shaun Dychko. A battery is connected to a bulb and there's 2.50 amps of current flowing, what amount of charge will flow through the circuit in half a second? So current is the amount of charge that flows divided by the amount of time it takes and so we can solve for Q by multiplying both sides by t so the charge then is the current multiplied by the time. So that's 2.5 amps times 0.5 seconds, which is 1.25 coulombs; the answer is (c).