To conserve energy, room temperatures are kept at in the winter and in the summer. What are these temperatures on the Celsius scale?
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OpenStax College Physics, Chapter 13, Problem 3 (Problems & Exercises)
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This is College Physics Answers with Shaun Dychko. To find the temperature in degrees Celsius, we subtract 32 from the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and then multiply that difference by 5 over 9. So in the winter when the Fahrenheit temperature is 68.0 degrees, we subtract 32 from that, multiply by 5 over 9 and we get 20.0 degrees Celsius. Then in the summer—the subscript s here stands for 'summer' whereas up here the w stands for 'winter'— in the summer, we have 78.0 degrees Fahrenheit minus 32 times 5 over 9 is 25.6 degrees Celsius.
I believe which values are for the Summer and Winter are switched. Summer should be 25.6 and Winter should be 20.0.
Hi glaexmyers,
Thank you so much for noticing this. I have corrected the final answer and flagged the video for a redo.
All the best,
This video was updated on Jan. 11th, 2024.